XXI Mendeleev Сongress: 3000 participants from all over the world, meetings with Nobel laureates and KNRTU professor’s keynote address

The largest international chemists’ scientific forum- Mendeleev Congress began on September, 9 in Saint-Petersburg.

The largest international chemists’ scientific forum- Mendeleev Congress began on September, 9 in Saint-Petersburg. About 3000 researchers gathered there, including 300 foreign scientists and also Nobel laureates. Among the participants there were such worldwide famous chemists as Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Martin Polyakoff, Yuri Oganesyan, Sergey Varfolomeev, Evgeny Kablov, William Merner and many others.

The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev arrived at the opening of the Congress. He held a meeting with Nobel laureates, presidents of chemical communities and international scientific organizations representatives. The Prime Minister supported the proposal of the Russian Academy of Sciences President, Alexander Sergeyev, to create the Mendeleev Foundation, an international public-private fund for supporting large-scale scientific projects that are carried out within the framework of international consortium. He also supported the idea of establishing an international award for outstanding achievements in chemistry, physics, mathematics and biology, named after Mendeleev.

KNRTU scientists’ representative delegation took part in the Congress. Our colleagues prepared 18 scientific reports, including the key one: “Periodic law and chemical element systems in Russian higher education”. It was read by a professor of Analytical Chemistry, Certification and Quality ManagementDepartment, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Oleg Mikhailov.

The report’s subject was not chosenrandomly, as the Congress was held in the International Year of the periodic table of chemical elements created by Dmitry Mendeleev 150 years ago. On the initiative of the Russian party within the framework of the Congress was discussedthe issue of the official assignment to a periodic table of chemical elements Mendeleev's name.

Besides the mainactivities, the Mendeleev Congress program also included the international conference of young scientists in chemistry “Mendeleev 2019”.

Mendeleev Congress has been held since 1907 in the main scientific and cultural centres of Russia and determines the key directions of our country chemical science and industry development.

Источник: KNRTU

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