The meeting with Zhengzhou University delegation (People’s Republic of China) took place in KNRTU
On August 26,2019, a meeting with representatives of the Institute of Сhemistry of Zhengzhou University, one of the largest universities in China, took place in KNRTU.
On August 26,2019, a meeting with representatives of the Institute of Сhemistry of Zhengzhou University, one of the largest universities in China, took place in KNRTU. The parties discussed the ways of cooperation in the field of education and science.
The management of KNRTU was represented by the Vice-rector for Academic Affairs Alexey Burmistrov. He told the guests about our University, focusing on areas of interest to the Chinese partysuch as petrochemistry, polymer chemistry and chemical technology. He also spoke about the existing productive forms of interaction with industrial companies, including the creation of laboratories at KNRTU University base with the participation of enterprises and the opening of our basic departments there.
The head of the delegation, Director of the Chemical Experimental Center of the Institute of Chemistry Professor Li Jianjun outlined the issues of interest to the Chinese party, among whichwere academic exchange of students and teachers in the short- and medium-term projects, as well as opportunities to complete Zhengzhou University bachelors’ education in KNRTU.
The parties agreed to continue contacts.
Источник: KNRTU
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