The meeting of the Russian-German working group on vocational education was held in KNRTU

On August 27, 2019, the XIII meeting of the Russian-German working group on vocational education was held in KNRTU.

On August 27, 2019, the XIII meeting of the Russian-German working group on vocational education was held in KNRTU. The meeting was attended by representatives of education authorities and educational organizations of Germany, representatives of KNRTU management and partner companies.

The meeting was opened by Vice-rector for Academic Affairs Alexey Burmistrov:
- The German experience in the development of vocational education is of great interest to us. Your country has long been a kind of example in the development of science, technics and technology. Today we will present you our practices. I hope that they will also seem interesting to you.

According to Wilfried Kraus, Deputy Director General for European Cooperation in Education and Science of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany, the dual system of vocational education in Germany is characterized by a close relationship between enterprises and the state. And this has a very good impact on the economic well-being of the country, because the competitiveness of workers generates a high level of service provision and influences positively on the development of industry, which is especially noticeable in engineering. Wilfried Krausnoted that German working group would be glad to get acquainted with the experience of Russian colleagues.

Deputy Head of the Personnel and Labor Relations Department of the LLC “Gazprom Transgaz Kazan”GulnaraAkhmetovatold about the long-term cooperation with KNRTU University.According to her employer-sponsored education for undergraduate and graduate programs has been actively realized and representatives of PJSC “Gazprom”have been participated in seminars and conferences held in KNRTU. Annually “Gazprom’s days” are held at the University, during which representativesof subsidiaries meet with students and talk about opportunities for internship and employment. Today more than 300KNRTU graduates are employees of “Gazprom Transgaz Kazan”.

Dean of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education IrinaZimina told about theUniversityeducation structure and levels. She paid particular attention to the work of the Secondary Vocational Education Faculty and the system of continuing education in KNRTU. “We actively cooperate with German universities”,- she noted, -“but we don’t contact directly with the secondary vocational education level, with colleges. I hope that today's meeting will help us to establish these contacts”.

The reports of the Russian party aroused great interest among German colleagues. There was a vivid discussion at the end of which both sides unanimously expressed their desire to continue active cooperation.

Источник: KNRTU

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