Suleiman Rahimov discusses contemporary problems of the Muslim world in Istanbul

The international symposium “Problems of the modern Islamic world and ways to solve them” was held in Istanbul from June 27 to 29, timed to mark the 110th anniversary of the establishment of the non-profit group Turkish Homes.

The international symposium “Problems of the modern Islamic world and ways to solve them” was held in Istanbul from June 27 to 29, timed to mark the 110th anniversary of the establishment of the non-profit group Turkish Homes. It was organized by Istanbul City Hall and the academic group Turkish Homes. Ekrem İmamoğlu, the mayor of Istanbul, greeted attendees and guests during the plenary session.

The key topic of discussion was the role of Islam in the lives of contemporary Muslims around the world, the peculiarities of relations between representatives of different religions, and future prospects for the development of Islam.

Suleiman Rahimov, the head of the Islamic Heritage Center of Bolgar Islamic Academy, moderated the session “Various Islamic challenges and historical experience”, which was devoted to understanding the social and religious Jadidism phenomenon in Tatar public life in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Participants in the session discussed various aspects of the Muslim reform movement around the world and in the historical territory of the Russian Empire, as well as the possibilities of using the Jadids’ historical heritage to solve modern problems in countries.

The event drew over 200 scientists, theologians, Islamic scholars, and sociologists from 15 countries.

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