
KNRTU student took part in a RYEP (Russia Youth Environmental Program) student exchange program in USA

In August 2019 KNRTU student Raphael Harrasov took part in a student exchange program called RYEP (Russia Youth Environmental Program).

In August 2019 KNRTU student Raphael Harrasov took part in a student exchange program called RYEP (Russia Youth Environmental Program). The program aims at creating new opportunities for Russian students to discuss sustainable development and environmental issues at the international scale. Paphael was chosen through a multi-level selection process to participate in a four-week program that took place in the USA between July 30 and August 30, 2019.

During their four weeks in America, the participants studied the experience of American universities in sustainable development, were given lectures by the leading experts in the field and gained exposure to the concept of sustainable development based on balanced social progress that takes into account the economic, ecological and social factors. The participants learned more on environmental responsibility of all social sectors, gained exposure to the main youth-led environmental and community service projects, and examined the topics of community engagement and citizen participation. The students had an advantage of experiencing the culture and customs of American people, living in host families, visiting museums and historical sites.

The definition and execution of an original project contributing to the sustainable development of a local community and finding solutions to environmental problems was the conclusive stage of RYEP. Sustainability issues are more topical today than ever before, American universities and enterprises respect the principles of sustainable and responsible manufacturing. Alongside, programs as RYEP give brilliant opportunities for enthusiasts to become a part of the common movement.

You can learn more on the program and application process at http://ryep.ru

Источник: KNRTU

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